Further Reading

Monday 28 February 2022

What The F**k Is Going On In Ukraine?

So many bad and naughty things go on in Ukraine, and those that are doing those naughty things own and control the media. It makes sense these naughty people are deflecting their nastiness on Putin. Making him look like the bad guy.

In truth Putin has taken out BIOWEAPON LABS; NUCLEAR WEAPON PLANTS, CHILD TRAFFICKING HANGARS AND ADRENOCHROME LABS.  Along with mafia headquarters and a whole lot more. There is a Bioweapons lab beneath a hospital! Hearing about a hospital being bombed? I wonder why?

You'll not hear about any of this in the press. 

He's taking on the deep state elite who own and control the UN, NATO etc ... so they will throw the kitchen sink at him ... and say its him who is the aggressor...

Prepare for it going mental ... but remember all the 'invasion' of Ukraine is NOT what it seems. Ukraine is an ILLEGAL REPUBLIC controlled by nazis, crooks, satanists, pedophiles. So if you support Ukraine you support the cess pool of elite scumbags .... 

[Richie Allen]:Russia invaded Ukraine. Whatever you might think of NATO or US/UK/Israeli foreign policy, invading countries and bombing cities is wrong. To be honest, I don’t know what is happening in Ukraine or why. But as sure as I am typing this, civilians have died and will continue to die so long as it continues.

Incidentally, I know that the US enacted a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and placed a puppet administration in Kiev. I know that NATO has surrounded Russia in spite of the promise made at the end of the Cold War, that the alliance wouldn’t move an inch further East of Berlin.

Russia has a genuine grievance. Yet, I have no idea what Putin is doing. I don’t believe that he is acting of his own volition either. In my opinion, he is no less controlled than his Western counterparts. Who’s pulling the strings and what is the end goal?

I don’t know. Your guess is as good as mine. Is it a war of distraction? Is it a ploy to take our minds off covid lockdowns, vaccine mandates, vaccine injuries, the destruction of the economy, the food and fuel shortages to come? Maybe.

Is it part of some plan to distract us from the looming technocracy not limited to the dawn of centralised digitalised currencies preceded by the biggest financial crash ever? Maybe that’s it.

I just don’t know. Part of me thinks that if Russia really wanted to take Kiev, it would have done so by now. I’m glad that hasn’t happened. Thousands of people would have died. So what is Russia doing and why?

I know that Western governments have a ready-made excuse for astronomical food and fuel price hikes. That’s convenient.

The military industrial complex is delighted. NATO countries are about to embark on the biggest arms spending spree in history.

A population that believes that there is a genuine threat of a nuclear war will cede more civil liberties to its leaders in return for protection. It always comes back to Cui Bono doesn’t it?

That one’s easy.

Not us.