Further Reading

Saturday, 19 March 2022

Another Look at Ukraine

We look again at Ukraine with intuitive eyes. We look beyond the media smokescreen and gaze at what is really happening there. We see a new structure and a new society being created out of the old. The corrupt ones are on the outside of this structure and not involved in the day to day running of the new society any more. There is a different face in control, an unknown person. And it is not a young globalist leader, or anyone under the dominion of the evil ones. The new elements are being put in place under the smokescreen of the so called invasion. This was always the intention. It has been planned this way. Like a rotting yew tree ... the new tree is growing inside of the bough structure of the old tree. It is not on view. Limited media presence in Ukraine ensures the areas that are being changed are out of sight. The reversed images reveal that the bio labs and the other nasty enterprises are being destroyed ....