Further Reading

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Destroying the Toxic Trans Narrative: What is a Man & What is a Woman?

[The Expose]: Firstly I must say that attacks on binary gender whether by gender inflation or by gender transformation are attacks on the credibility of God who represents in Genesis 1 that…

27 So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (Genesis 1 KJV)

He only made two genders. So to exclude God from an attack on his first words in the bible is denying the defendant a voice in his own trial. To find the truth we must consider God’s position on this issue – as unfashionable as that may seem. His position is nicely depicted by the Hebrew language itself as follows.

The Hebrew word for Man has the Yod (J or Y) from Jah and the Hebrew word for woman has the Qametz and the Hey (ah) from Jah or Yah. Other than that, both words are the same. So men have the male characteristics of God and women have the female characteristics of God, who is not genderless, but gender balanced being fully male and fully female and imparting those two complimentary characteristics into men and women. If we two can cooperate together, by combining in love, then we both can get God’s view more closely. Yet God describes himself as the father of Jesus and the father of Adam, not as their mother. So he is certainly male. 

This is interesting because one of the Alphabet groups, the Pansexuals, represent that they do not see gender, but just see the spirit of the person. They attempt to be gender free. But that is actually as far away from God as it is possible to be in gender terms. One can argue that the work of a man is to learn femininity whilst retaining masculinity and the work of a woman is to learn masculinity whilst retaining femininity, not to give up on both of them and ghost or cancel gender....<<Read More>>>...