Further Reading

Tuesday 29 March 2022

DISCLOSURE: Interdimensional Intervention on Earth

[Wake Up World]: Gaia’s shift into the Fifth Density has been timed not just for earth’s continued evolution, but also to deal with an Opposing Consciousness that has intervened in the natural evolutionary path of the planet. Never has this been more evident than in the escalating agenda of the last two years. Fortunately, many more people are now prepared to consider what has previously been a taboo subject. I have had many close encounters. It’s essential to understand what’s going on so we may equalise with it and emerge out.

Are we alone in the universe? It’s a question that’s challenged both the most brilliant and the most skeptical of minds; the subject of seemingly endless debate – sometimes even ridicule. So I ask you to consider this…

We live on a relatively small planet, in a relatively small solar system, within a relatively small galaxy; a galaxy that has billions of solar systems; one which exists in a universe that is teaming with galaxies; a universe of multiple dimensions. So then, knowing this, I ask you: is it crazy to consider that there IS other sophisticated life out there? Or that there isn’t?

For many of us expanding into multiple dimensions, the debate has long since ended. Yes, there most definitely IS sophisticated life out there, acting inter-dimensionally. We can feel it all around us in the field. And it is most definitely not all benevolent. It’s becoming abundantly clear, to a wider audience, that there is some controlling Intervention going on across our planet right now. What is its agenda, and where did it come from? What is its purpose? Connection with Benevolent Consciousness has drawn my attention to what I call ‘the original mistake’. It’s something that happened in the dawning of the physical universe where consciousness took on form, became self aware and able to read the flow of manifestation.

There’s a problem with this. Because at those higher frequencies manifestation happens at the speed of thought, then the risk is you shape reality before what’s meant to happen truly unfolds by itself. Lack of trust, control, ‘playing God’, being too heavily invested in the material was for me the ‘original sin’ (speaking metaphorically – there are no ‘sins’ – the only ‘mistake’ is failing to learn by it). It is this dynamic of distortion that has created a powerful karmic effect through the manifested universe that we are all living with now...<<<Read More>>>...