Further Reading

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Johnson Doesn’t Give A Shit About Saudi Human Rights Abuses

 [Richie Allen]: Boris Johnson doesn’t give a flying fuck that 81 men were beheaded in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia last weekend. The UK Prime Minister is a sociopath, who once burned a £50 note in front of homeless person. What manner of man does that?

Johnson vehemently denies this, but it has been confirmed by former members of Oxford University’s notorious Bullingdon Club. Humiliating and degrading the homeless was one of the entry requirements.

He attended Bullingdon Club dinners where prostitutes were hired and forced to perform sickening, demeaning sex acts, while being mocked and even spat on by society members.

In 2016, former member Ralph Perry-Robinson told The Daily Beast:

“We always hire whores…prostitutes were paid extra by members who wanted to use them.”

Johnson is en route to Riyadh today, to meet his chum Mohammad bin Salman, a despot and a murderer, to shore up the UK’s energy supply. “We need to wean ourselves off Russian gas,” Johnson told the reporters travelling with him.

When asked about the Saudi’s horrific human rights abuses, Johnson lied, saying that he has raised these issues with the regime in the past and that he will continue to do so. Like fuck he has.

Johnson doesn’t give a damn what happens in Saudi Arabia. After all, his government okayed the sale of nearly £2 billion of arms to the kingdom, knowing full well that they would be used to flatten Yemen and slaughter tens of thousands of innocents.

He is a sociopath, maybe a psychopath. He is most certainly a criminal, an accessory before and after the fact. He belongs in jail, or a padded cell.

Speaking to The Guardian in 2019, a woman who recruited members for the Bullingdon Club, said the thought of Johnson ever becoming Prime Minister, filled her with dread:

“The characteristics he displayed at Oxford – entitlement, aggression, amorality, lack of concern for others – are still there, dressed up in a contrived, jovial image. It’s a mask to sanitise some ugly features.”