Further Reading

Friday, 11 March 2022

Nikola Tesla’s 3 6 9 Theory is Called the Key to Universe

[Humans Are Free]: Nikola Tesla, the greatest mind of all the time, was not just an inventor, or as claimed by many, the true father of the electric age but also a man with secrets and mysteries we could never imagine.

Despite the fact that he was famous but not as much as he should have been, as most of the patents were registered by Edison or Westinghouse, Tesla himself, was altruistic, and when he learned of others using his ideas, he probably wished them well.

He wasn’t financially motivated beyond survival, and he sought to share his ideas with the entire world, either by him or by others. One of his most floated theories is Tesla 3 6 9 Number Theory.

Nikola Tesla was obsessed with numbers, but especially 3, 6, and 9. He wanted the world to know the significance of the number 3 6 9, he claimed that these were extremely important numbers, but the question is why?

What was that Nikola Tesla wanted the world to understand? How it becomes Nikola Tesla 3 6 9 theory?

To understand that, we must first know about Mathematics. Why it is so different yet the same anywhere in the universe. Math was and has been the most valued subject of all time and the most powerful too. Two plus two will always be four everywhere in the universe. Possibly, Nikola Tesla knew the power of the numbers 3 6 9....<<<Read More>>>...