Wang Guan – a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader – has repeatedly advocated for the Chinese Communist Party’s “re-education camps,” weaponized by the regime against Uyghurs in Xinjiang.
Wang, who works as a chief political correspondent for a Chinese state-run media outlet’s American programming, is one of 112 Young Global Leaders selected by Chairman Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF).
The WEF has become notorious for globalist intervention around the world, including but not limited to pushing for the “Great Reset” amidst COVID-19. The group seeks to abolish property ownership at its core, summarizing this objective through its controversial expression “you will own nothing and be happy.”
The Chinese Communist Party-linked journalist and China Global Television Network (CGTN) host has repeatedly defended the Chinese Communist Party’s genocide of Uyghurs, an ethnic minority in Xinjiang province.
Wang has euphemized the concentration camps Uyghurs are forced to live in as “re-education camps,” appearing in several interviews and videos attempting to point out the success and efficacy of the program.
In a short film where Wang visited Xinjiang and talked with Uyghurs, all of whom dispelled accusations against the Chinese Communist Party for carrying out ethnic cleansing, he appeared to defend the use of concentration camps.<<<Read More>>>...