Further Reading

Saturday 5 March 2022

Self-spreading vaccines being developed right now could put society at grave risk of an uncontrolled, endless plague

FEAR NARRATIVES are spread through conspiracy sites. Its a way the parasites judge human reaction, plus use human thoughts to manufacture the reality for them.  

Reading this have a salt pillar to throw some salt over your shoulder. Have a laugh and a smile (The parasites hate us being happy) and more importantly read this without fear, to prevent this mind virus from spreading!

[Natural News]: People in many countries around the world are technically free to choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Although some governments have taken steps to make life very difficult, if not impossible, for people who don’t want to get jabbed, many individuals have nevertheless been able to exercise their health freedom and avoid the negative effects associated with the vaccines. Unfortunately, that choice could be removed entirely in the near future with the development of self-spreading vaccines.

It may sound far-fetched, but vaccines that are designed to spread from one individual to another, much in the same way that viruses do, instead of needing to be injected into each person, are in the works. It means that governments would only need to persuade a small percentage of the population to get vaccinated, and then everyone else would essentially “catch” the vaccine as it spreads throughout the population via airborne droplets in the same manner that colds and flu spread.

Development is proving challenging, however, as making a transmissible vaccine requires determining a way to package a virus or bacteria so it can be transmitted easily from one individual to another without causing them to become seriously ill.

One approach being explored is engineering a very mild form of whatever virus scientists wish to protect against in a lab, making sure it is contagious enough to infect a significant proportion of the population quickly enough that most people’s immune systems will start producing antibodies that can fend off the virus. However, it must be weak enough to avoid causing the health effects of the full-strength virus....<<<Read More>>>...