Further Reading

Sunday 27 March 2022

Something Else Entirely

Tonight, we explore the Ukraine deception, and see what the Light Of Truth Oracle has to say. Do we believe the political myth that the deep state owned media is trying to brainwash us all with? Or do we look at alternative insights into the situation?

From the chosen images we see the clear indication of the DELUSION that is being cast with regard to the Ukraine situation. It is not how it has been made to appear. Ukraine is not in control of the so called conflict. Something so much bigger is taking place. Ukraine represents the illegal seizing of land by the Khazar mafia and their Nazi buddies. Under their cruel dominion there is UK, US & George Soros funded chaos - child trafficking, drug running, Adrenochrome manufacture, biolabs and bioweapon manufactre and so much more, 

The apparent invasion took place weeks or months before the media began their BS. The images here don't make any sense if you attempt to attribute them to the news stories and their delusional accounts of what is going on. 

The land in question appears to have been seized illegally by the 'deep state' and made a stronghold. Why Ukraine? Why Crimea? Why brutalise the people there and blame Russia, to make Russia look bad? The deep state are like bullies who've been found out and are now screaming for help. What they appear to have taken is an ancient land, and the remnants of a forgotten/hidden civilisation (Tartaria?) and they do not wish that truth to be revealed as it will upset the lies peddled about history. 

The four images suggests a reset ... not a great reset ... but something else. Something so much more significant. Until this can take place, the deep state refuse to surrender and are intent on carrying on with their demonic plans so things will get so much worse, and all will seem to be lost. Then the theatre comes to a close and the power of the sacred space and harmony unfold. This is the wrong energy for a satanic great reset. It is something else entirely.