Further Reading

Friday 4 March 2022

Study finds Office for National Statistics is deliberately hiding Covid Vaccine Deaths

 [The Expose]: A new paper highlights a newly discovered “alarming source of bias or potential corruption” in the Office for National Statistics (ONS) COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance report. This has led the authors of the paper to conclude that the ONS should publicly withdraw their dataset and they call for the retraction of any claims made by others that are based upon it.

The ONS report is tasked with providing the reported deaths after vaccination data for the whole of 2021, however, they have been said to have displayed systematic undercounting of both covid and non-covid totaled deaths occurring within the first two weeks of Covid-19 vaccination.

The paper published on the 3rd of March 2022, highlights that when comparing the published covid deaths for England as a whole against those in the ONS dataset for covid deaths the bias is evident according to the authors.

These authors are the trusted names now familiar to most of us, including Doctors. Claire Craig – Martin Neil , Norman Fenton, McLachlan, Smalley Guetzkow, Engler, Russell, and Rose, and in the acknowledgments, they mention that the paper has also “benefited from the input of senior clinicians and other researchers who remain anonymous to protect their careers.” (Reflecting the sad fascistic reality of these last two years where experts speaking the factual truth can result in dismissals, doctors being struck off and vilification)....<<<Read More>>>....