Further Reading

Saturday 26 March 2022

The Lie Continues ...

The keyword for tonight's Light Of Truth Oracle intuitive analysis is COVID-19. With the UK mind control and behavioral psychology unit SAGE deciding to keep the fear narratives going ... it would be interesting to see what can be seen intuitively behind all of this.

There are initially three Jungian personalities in this analysis - The Survivor, The Persona and The Driver. There is the memories image ... thus the concept is to keep the Covid-19 fear narratives in people's minds. To use it to reinforce the fear and continue the mind control. As long as there are news stories about Covid-19 still out there, then pressure and control can be exerted on those mind controlled.

The Survivor is aimed at reinforcing the fear, and the need to survive this terrible illness. Its more than coincidence that the UK Government is pushing the next booster jab. If there was no news of rising Covid-19 cases, there would be no fear ... and no sheeples coming forward to take the next killer jab. 

SAGE as the expectation they can press the fear button whenever they wish to peddle and push the booster jabs. Its nothing more than a supply & demand campaign. If there was no Covid-19 they ould be unable to flog the next jabs. That's it in a nutshell.

Hence the driver personality ... SAGE are attempting to continue their control of the UK population. It is a desperate move and is likely to herald some result ... but not the huge success the Cabal were dreaming of. The Persona is a false veneer on something that is the truth; effectively. This one image indicates the total lies and fabrications still being peddled here.