Further Reading

Friday 25 March 2022

The ‘Race To The Bottom’ Trap: Why Companies Produce Low Quality Products

 [Collective Evolution]: “The race to the bottom refers to a competitive situation where a company, state, or nation attempts to undercut the competition’s prices by sacrificing quality standards or worker safety (often defying regulation), or reducing labour costs.”

The race to the bottom trap is a concept that can help us consider how our current societal infrastructures incentivizes companies to engage in this type of behaviour in order to continue operating ‘successfully.’ In this case we’ll define success as gaining financial wealth.

This concept also helps us pull our minds out of the idea that companies are just evil and unethical and allows us to begin seeing the bigger problem at hand a little bit more clearly. If we can truly identify any problem and the various ways the problem connects with other areas of society, we can begin solving problems at their core....<<<Read More>>>...