Further Reading

Friday 25 March 2022

Too Much Emotion For Them ....

The Light of Truth Oracle intuitively chosen to explore what is really behind 'The Great Reset' and what is happening concerning this particular fear narrative.

Immediately, noticing the Emotion image in the spread that deals with individuals that have no emotion at all, other than cold calculating evil, immediately suggests that behind the scenes it is not going well for the globalists. The Temptation image, ironically, has the classic Anunnaki Rothschild's shaped skull'  and is alongside the emotion image. The deluge of emotional opposition from the so called 'useless eaters' seems to have been too great for these cold calculating beings. 

On the left hand side of the Temptation image is how it was supposed to go to plan with 'abundance' and 'renewal' as per their desired outcome. What is on the right hand side is how it has manifested ...too many interconnected higher emotional humans stand in their way.

The threat is not yet over. But the chance of this madness happening, is waning. There is still plenty of foot soldiers (A few million) that are carrying out their orders to the letter. They are trying to drive the campaign as planned, via media, false war claims etc ... and it will look like the Great Reset is happening ...

Sadly for them, the inversion of their reality is likely to occur. Fingers crossed.