Further Reading

Sunday, 20 March 2022

UFOs in the Bible: Were the Cherubim Chariots of the Gods?

[Humans Are Free]: The cherubim are a somewhat mysterious topic that occurs numerous times in the Hebrew Bible, but is never truly explained. We are given only brief glimpses into their role and their nature.

Since the information given is insufficient to truly answer the question posed, thus we will attempt no such answer, but instead will present several possible partial interpretations which may or may not be mutually exclusive or contradictory.

One thing that can be said with certainty is that the word “cherubim” is by definition a plural word. The suffix ‘im indicates a plural noun. Therefore, although the word appears as “cherubim” it should be read as “the cherubim” with a plural meaning.

In the few cases where a single object is described, it can be assumed that the correct reading is “one of the cherubim.” This suffix also strongly implies an attribute which can best be described as “living.”

The ancient Hebrew language contains many such words ending in the ‘im suffix. Notable among these is “Elohim,” a plural group of living and intelligent beings, often interpreted as “gods.” The well-known “Nephilim” are another such example. Dozens of further examples exist and are the topic of a separate study by this author...<<<Read More>>>...