Further Reading

Friday 25 March 2022

Whitty: “Lockdown Likely To Have Caused Substantial Long-Term Damage To Kids”

 [Richie Allen]: I have never used the word c4nt on the radio. It’s an ugly word. Until today, I have never included the word in an article either. However, England’s Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty is a rotten, wretched, rancid cunt.

I’ve just finished reading an article in The Telegraph, which reports on a speech given by Whitty at a virtual event run by the Local Government Association and the Association of Directors of Public Health.

According to The Telegraph:

School closures and disruptions caused by lockdowns could cause “substantial” long-term damage to children, the country’s Chief Medical Officer has said.

Professor Sir Chris Whitty told a conference that many aspects of public health had “gone backwards” over the last two years, including a “significant” worsening in childhood obesity.

He said that evidence suggested there had already been an impact on mental health of children, with a rise in eating disorders, but said much longer-term consequences may yet be seen.

Sir Chris also said that elderly people had suffered as the result of long-periods of isolation, as loved ones kept away for fear of infecting them.

“We shouldn’t have any illusions,” he told the virtual event run by the Local Government Association and the Association of Directors of Public Health.

“I think there’s a big worry about the effects on mental health of particularly older people for long periods where people were lonely, because people for good public health reasons didn’t want to infect elderly or vulnerable people, but therefore they had less contact.”

“That is something which we do not know the effects of, but it seems unlikely there’ll be anything other than a problem, and the impacts of disrupted schooling on some children is going to be very substantial … the long-term effects of which it’ll be very difficult, I think, to tell.”

“Immediately, for example, it does look as if there’s been some impact on some children, and young people having eating disorders,” he said.

When did this occur to you Chris? Last week? Last month? Last year? I wonder, when you made that infamous speech, after you helped to lock down the country, were you aware of the harms of lockdowns?

You’ll remember the speech right? You know, the one where you said that the great majority of people wouldn’t get covid and that the majority of those who did wouldn’t even know they had it?

Remember Chris? You said a tiny, tiny number of people would end up in hospital and of those, an even tinier number would need to be ventilated. Remember?

Do you remember saying that an even tinier number of those who ended up on ventilators would pass away?

When you made those claims Chris, weeks after the implementation of the first lockdown, did you know that the lockdown itself would be catastrophic for public health or did you just figure that out recently?

You rotten, wretched, rancid, c4nt of a man.

A pox on you, your house and everyone who went along with you.

You should be wearing manacles and viewing the world through bars.