Further Reading

Saturday 30 April 2022

30.4.2023 - What Happens Between Now and Then?

The date is 30th April 2023 ... a year from now ... 

What can we glean about the next twelve months from these insights?

We see the Rothschild shaped skull ins the Temptation image; which strongly suggests the satanic deep state are still very much attempting to transform the planet.. they don't know when to stop. The indication is that they have   unleashed their next 'masterpiece' and are hellbent on our eradication. Most of the imagery supports the notion that, they are totally convinced of success, and therefore will spend the next 12 months with the next phase of their campaign to gain an eternal foothold ... 

It doesn't appear like the tyranny will end anytime soon, sadly. These images are mainly about their continued push and their continued insanity. They believe their own fake prophecies and false history and really believe they will be our eternal controllers. 

Another round of viral tyranny does seem to be planned to descend on us. The general public will be blind sided by the next one ... and will comply without question. It appears easy pickings for the global elite. 

 But there are a number of however moments outlined in the insights. Things reported, supposedly going to plan for the great reset and the UN control system, when in truth they are not going to plan. 

These images were never designed to portray the pure negativeness which is the satanic deep state. The images are based on real life experiences and not fantasies. Therefore ... the agenda of the deep state runs like a very thin veneer on the imagery ... the truth about the reality of the world is close to the surface in the next twelve months.

The satanic deep state may well press forward with their agenda, but if humans refuse to comply and refuse to give away their power .... the great reset won't happen. Therefore there is choice and choosing in the next 12 months.