Further Reading

Saturday, 9 April 2022

A Government Blindside ....

Tonight we are going to explore the news via the rumour mill that the EU has sanctioned mandatory Q Code vaccinate passports commencing early July 2022. We comprehend if this is the truth, then the UK is attempting to blindside its people. The plan is therefore to play on another fake variant so much they can bring in another lockdown before July 2022. Then make vaccination passports mandatory here in the UK too.

However, mandatory under Legalese means you have the choice to go along with the mandate. It is not law ....

The imagery implies the assumption about the UK Government's blindside has hit the nail on the head. This seems to be the exact plan of action. However, it appears it will not go to plan. There will be a two tier or dual society with those who will go along with the dystopian society and those that won't. The notion is likely to fall flat on its face due to an inability to force those that won't ... to do it. No matter what the threats are. 

Behind this entire thing is the notion that those trying to impose this on the people ... have no power at all. They are not as much in the driving seat as they imply. It's very much on a wing and a prayer. This is the most critical move yet for their plans and it seems the least likely to succeed. However, there are a large number of the UK population who will easily submit to the brainwashing. But the numbers that won't are larger than the parasites had hoped.