Further Reading

Friday 22 April 2022

A Return To The Ukraine Situation

Tonight, we've chosen an additional line of Light Of Truth Oracle images in order to attempt to penetrate the insane MSM smokescreen around the Ukraine situation. 

It is very apparent that there are forces involved with the 'entity' which is the Ukraine, that are in desperate need of the MSM bombardment to hide what is really going on there. The above images represent the jigsaw pieces of truth, untruth and downright blatant propaganda lies that represent the tapestry fed to the world. It appears difficult to know the truth from the lies. 

Ukraine IS a satanic stronghold and has been for centuries. Forces are desperate to keep it under wraps and under their control. Other forces wish to occupy the entity and end the reign of the deep and dark state that resides there. 

There were meticulous plans made due to opportunities arising and the outcome of the plans met expectations. But the truth of that has been kept hidden by the deep and dark state for it involves their epitaph (Or the death of a significant one or ones) being announced. Its better to keep the ignorant unaware of what is really going on. 

Without doubt conflict is a reality behind that smokescreen ... but it is nothing like the MSM propaganda. 

So who is the real victor and what will this mean for the world? Understanding depicts an ancient lace that was taken over by a victor in a conflict, and the story of that place totally changed That represents the Ukraine situation perfectly. Hidden ancient artifacts and technology exists there plus much more ... and it has all been stolen from mankind. Ancient history denied to the masses. 

Rebirth is the interesting image which depicts the white being walking on the land ... something or someone appears to have returned ... time will tell who and what the significance is ...

The true picture of the Ukraine situation is nothing like the stories being told by the MSM. The politicians are merely puppets playing parts in the theatrical stage show. The real deal is hidden away from prying eyes.