Further Reading

Tuesday 26 April 2022

Dutch journalist in Ukraine says Western media regularly lie about what is happening on the ground

[Natural News]: A Dutch journalist who has been covering Russia’s invasion of Ukraine says the Western media is routinely lying about what is actually taking place in the war-torn country in an effort to maintain a “blame Moscow” narrative.

As reported by News Punch, Sonja van den Ende, an independent journalist from Rotterdam, Netherlands, said the Western media “lie continuously about everything just to implement their own agenda.”

Van den Ende is not reporting from the comfort of a safe studio somewhere in a Western capital, but rather, she is on the ground in Ukraine and has witnessed the invasion and its atrocities on both sides for weeks, noting that at present, there are “only a handful” of Western journalists in the hotspot of Donbas. As such, Western press outlets are simply “rubber-stamping fake news” just as they did during the Iraq, Syria, and Afghan wars.

News Punch adds:

Disillusioned with mainstream media lies, Van den Ende traveled to the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and became an embedded reporter with the Russian army to see what is really happening in Ukraine.

The sound of shelling and explosion no longer frightens her. Seven years ago, van den Ende worked in Syria, months before the Russians stepped in at the request of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and destroyed ISIS, changing the tide of the civil war. She says the parallels between the Western mainstream media coverage of the Syrian and the Ukrainian conflicts are striking.

“They lie continuously about everything just to implement their own agenda,” she said. “Like in Syria, President Assad was ‘the murderer’ and now President Putin is ‘the butcher.’ They had used this script for many years in Iraq, Venezuela and [other] countries which don’t comply with their agenda; they need a ‘bad ‘guy.’ But they (media) are not even there on the ground, they can’t judge. Only a handful of journalists from the West are here: Graham Philips, Patrick Lancaster, Anne-Laure Bonnel and me.”...<<<Read More>>>...