Further Reading

Sunday 17 April 2022

How To Beat The Global Elite

Tonight, we explore the assumption made by many that the Deep State and their Satanic Elite Masters have been defeated. That they are in retreat and the war between them and mankind is nearly over.

These images suggest otherwise, sadly. Duality is a strong indication of where the human collective is standing at this time. Duality represents the Kabbalah realm Daath, which is the abyss. It is the great chasm that has to be crossed in order to ascend out of human awareness and attain cosmic understanding. Standing in mankind's way is the great Dweller On The Threshold, which is the manifestation of all fears and is the worst demon imaginable (But it is in truth a figment of the traveller's imagination). It has to be faced in order to cross the threshold.

That is where mankind is at, and standing in mankind's way to freedom are the forces of darkness - The Global Elite. They may have been seen to apparently retreat, but only it seems to adopt a defensive stance all in accordance with their comprehension of how mankind would react. 

They have been mistaken relating to the true nature of mankind however. Their hatred and desire for chaotic uncreation has blindsided them. They want human souls ... but the soul is part of this existence only ... it is not consciousness ... which they cannot comprehend as their vibrations are only linked to the lower vibrations of hate, shame, guilt, anger etc ...

Any member of mankind who exhibits or experiences unconditional love and has compassion for the elite ... will pass beyond Daath ... their personal vibration is too high for the global elite's soul catchers to deal with. 

The secret to beating the elite might sound crazy. But by loving them for what they are ... and exhibiting the higher vibrations towards their deeds ... those who do this cannot be affected by the soul catching and will overcome the craziness ....