Further Reading

Thursday 7 April 2022

Is Rishi Sunak a bigger threat to the Elderly than the Death Drug Midazolam?

[The Expose]: We are accustomed to treachery, deceit, selfishness and hypocrisy among our politicians.

We know that many politicians and civil servants ignored the lockdown rules they’d imposed on the country. (They ignored the rules because they knew they were useless.)

But in my view Sunak, the UK’s current Chancellor of the Exchequer is the worst and most thoroughly despicable politician we’ve seen for many years. His breath-taking arrogance has put even Blair, Hancock and Johnson in the shade.

For absolutely no sensible reason at all the British Government (which has ignored far deadlier wars in Yemen and Syria) decided to introduce sanctions against Russia because of its dispute with Ukraine.

The sanctions have meant that millions of Britons have lost huge amounts of money. Anyone with a pension or an investment of any kind will have almost certainly suffered financial losses – in some cases massive losses – because of their Government’s decision to halt trade with Russia. Today’s pensioners and tomorrow’s pensioners will be savagely damaged by this egregious policy – they will be much poorer.

Ignorant and manipulated do-gooders have made things infinitely worse by forcing British companies and businessmen to break off trade with Russia.

Shares of the affected companies have fallen a great deal as a result.

But, almost unbelievably, Sunak’s wife is reported to still have shares in a company operating in Russia.

Sunak’s wife, Akshata Murty, owns shares worth more than £400 million in the company.

When questioned about his wife’s continuing business links with Russia, Sunak dismissed concerns, turned round the criticism and saying he knew how Will Smith felt about his wife being criticised.

‘At least I didn’t slap anyone,’ he said, according to an unsurprisingly rather sympathetic report by the BBC.

Unbelievably, Sunak said it was upsetting and wrong for people to criticise his wife’s continued business interests in Russia.

Meanwhile, Sunak is also continuing the Government’s attacks on the elderly.

First, he has denied every pensioner in the UK a pay rise of £822 this year. That was a pay rise which the Government had promised pensioners. Now they’ve reneged on their promise. MPs will, of course, continue to get their recent massive pay rise.

Second, pensioners who have to keep working in order to survive (because of the recession deliberately created by Sunak and the rest of the Government) will now, for the first time in history, have to pay national insurance on their earnings. So, as a result, taxes for the elderly will go up more than taxes for politicians or billionaires.

Third, the Government has allowed the BBC to renege on its promise to allow those who are over 75 to be exempt from the extortionate and anachronistic licence fee. Morally, I believe that the over 75s are entitled to avoid paying the licence fee. (I do not of course recommend breaking the law. But there are ways round paying the licence fee.) I haven’t paid the damned licence fee for many years. And now that I’m 75 I shan’t be paying it twice as enthusiastically. I ignore the monthly threatening letters with great joy.

Fourth, as energy prices soar (because of the Government’s conspiracies against the people) Sunak is opposed to a plan to build up to six new nuclear power stations. Sunak seems to be putting his hopes on hydrogen as a source of energy. As I have proved previously this is just plain barking. Pure hydrogen is hard to come by and has to be produced by the electrolysis of water (which consumes a great deal of energy) or from fossil fuels. In practice, 95% of the hydrogen will come from fossil fuels. Without nuclear power stations, and with oil and gas being banned, thousands will die because they cannot eat and keep warm. Sunak, of course, has his wife’s £400 million to keep him cosy.

We need a campaign: ‘Sunak Must Go!’

In my view, Sunak is a hypocrite; he’s a menace to the country, and he’s a bigger threat to the elderly than midazolam.