Further Reading

Tuesday 19 April 2022

Warning - Alien Invasion False Flag Incoming .... Fake Alien Invasion Imminent .... Warning

 It's so obvious to the awakened mind where this story is leading. It won't be that obvious to the masses who have serious cognitive dissonance issues ... whatever the MSM print, they believe totally these days!

All the members of the Chocolate Fire Guard & The Earth Is Melting Cult will totally fall for this next fear narrative.

[The Sun]: A MESSAGE broadcast out to space revealing Earth's location could provoke an invasion from aliens, an expert has warned.

Nasa launched a basic one called Arecibo in 1974 but with better tech available today scientists want to update it.

The new spacebound note - dubbed the Beacon in the Galaxy - is the latest attempt to make contact with other lifeforms.

It will include our solar system's position within the Milky Way relative to known clusters of stars so anyone who hears it can hunt Earth out.

Details about the Earth’s surface, drawings of humans and basic technical concepts for them to reach out to us will also be packed into it.

But a top researcher from Oxford University believes the move could be risky.

Dr Anders Sandberg told the Telegraph "it has such a high impact that you actually need to take it rather seriously".

However, he thinks the chances of the message actually reaching extraterrestrials is quite low.

If it does, the broadcast will probably be more like "a postcard saying, ‘Wish you were here'," he added....<<<Read More>>>...