Further Reading

Monday, 11 April 2022

When false narratives break

 [Natural News]: Let me be blunt; we are all in big danger right now.

The reasons are many, but they share one cause – too many people in positions of power believe in false things. They are quite convinced their narratives are real and true, I’ll grant them that, but they are deluded in their thinking.

Somehow vaccines became a matter of belief for many people. I was always skeptical having seen too much from the pharma companies and even having worked at Pfizer for nearly three years as a fresh PhD and MBA graduate.

I know that one cannot short-cycle the safety studies without risk. I then weighed the risk of Covid for people under the age of 60 and in good health, who knew the benefits of proper terrain boosting and had access to early treatments, and decided that their 99.98% survival rate was good enough for me to wait a bit on the vaccines to see how things went.

I also intensively poured over the data on vaccine efficacy and soon noted that the vaccines wore off rather quickly consigning their advocates to an endless cycle of boosters with unknown and unknowable risks to their immune system functions.

As I waited a bit longer, more and more safety data began to pour in showing that for an unacceptably high proportion of people, the vaccines were extremely unsafe and even deadly. While that might “only” be 1/100 or 1/200, the impacts were horrifying. Clots, embolisms, strokes, myocarditis, heart attacks, spontaneous abortions, neurological damage, menstrual cycle disruptions…the list was ominously long....<<<Read More>>>...