Further Reading

Friday, 20 May 2022

5 Ways To Grow Your Intuitive Muscle

 Everyone has it.

Some use it more often than others and some don’t even realise they are using it when they are. Some find it harder to tap into and others let it guide every decision in their life.

But let it be known, intuition is within all of us.

Intuition is often a feeling inside that is sometimes dismissed as coincidence, pure chance or a fleeting thought in our imaginations.

In reality, when truly present and tapped into our self, our intuition again and again leads us to exactly where we need to be.

Growing your intuitive muscle is really important — it is a way to understand and get to know yourself on a deeper level. It can help you live from your truth, your core desires, values, ethics, authenticity and consciousness at all times.

Intuition is not just that ‘gut feeling’ — it can come in many forms: flashes of insight, imagery visions, dreams, that déjà vu feeling, that shiver down the spine, a glimpse of the future, inner wisdom (I like to call her my inner Goddess) and strong voices or thoughts of knowing something already before it even happens.

Honing and tuning into your intuition is a channel to your subconscious mind. The knowledge and foresight that is held within you comes through those intense feelings of understanding a desire, an instant decision made or feeling something needs to be done or said without knowing why.

You will know you are using your intuition when it just ‘feels right’. There is this strong sense that hurries us from within. The feelings that arise day to day and give you that gut knowing. You may not entirely understand what is happening or why it is happening in the moment, but there is always a reason and direction your intuitive self is deciding and taking.

Today I am going to share with you five ways to grow your intuitive muscle so you too can start to tap into that sometimes-elusive intuition....<<<Read More>>>...