Further Reading

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

“Aliens from the Stars”: The Unexplained Origin of the Ket People in Siberia

The Kets are an indigenous people living in Siberia and considered one of the smallest ethnic groups in the region.

Their appearance, language, and traditional semi-nomadic lifestyle has left scholars confused about their origins, with some suggesting a connection to the indigenous tribes of North America.

There is even Ket folklore that says they came from outer space. What is the true origin of these seemingly unusual people?

The word “ket” can be translated as “man” or “man” and is the modern name for this particular Siberian ethnic group. Prior to this, however, they were known as Ostyaks or Yenisei Ostyaks (a Turkic word meaning “outsider”), a reflection of the area where they lived.

The Kets originally settled in the middle and lower basin of the Yenisei River, which is located on the territory of the modern Krasnoyarsk Territory of the Siberian Federal District of Russia..<<<Read More>>>....