Further Reading

Thursday, 19 May 2022

Disappearance of Pain, Exit From The Body and More: Stages Through Which The Dying Go

 I can personally vouch 100% there is no pain during a NDE. It's when yuo come back that the pain hits you. I'd suffered a near fatal illness, collapsed on the medical centre floor ... and left my body. There was no pain and bright sun lit meadows. Then someone called my name and I came back to earth and all the unbearable pain.

What happens when you die? A complete answer to this question can only be given by those who actually died. But so far we have no connections with them, so we have to rely on the testimony of those who died, but “returned” back.

Many doctors have encountered the phenomenon when a person who has been in a state of clinical death talks about strange visions, sounds or even smells that he saw, heard or felt in those moments when he was already considered a corpse.

Experts call this a near-death experience. Alas, but most doctors consider all this to be just “features of a dying brain.”

Fortunately, there are doctors who believe that there is something more mysterious here than the agony of neurons. Among them is Dr. Kathryn Mannix, who specializes in palliative care (care for the terminally ill and dying people).

“In my humble experience, death is probably not as scary as you would expect. Death, like birth, is really just a process. As the years go by, people just get more and more tired, they sleep more and stay awake less.” says Mannix...<<<Read More>>>....