Further Reading

Monday, 16 May 2022

Futurologist warns that cyborgs will replace humans and build their own civilization

 Humans are the only intelligent and self-aware beings on Earth. However, many experts believe that the development of intelligent machines can lead to dramatic changes.

According to James Lovelock, a British futurologist, cyborgs will build their own world, and humanity may disappear from our planet, reports nbcnews.com 

According to Lovelock, author of the new book Novacene, self-sufficient and self-aware cyborgs will be descendants of modern robots and artificial intelligence systems.

The Briton predicts a new era in which the Earth will be governed by machines.

However, his predictions do not imply a bloody war between humans and intelligent robots, nor a merger between humans and machines.

James Lovelock looks at this problem from the point of view of biology – today’s computers can already process data much faster than us, and future machines will be even better and become millions of times smarter than humans.

Ultimately, cyborgs will surpass us intellectually and create their own world in which man will be reduced to a subordinate role and perhaps even redundant.

James Lovelock believes that cyborgs can transform the Earth to be friendlier to them. However, it is not known whether the new world will still be friendly to people.

Lovelock imagines cyborgs filling every evolutionary niche on the planet. “I think of cyborgs as another kingdom of life,” he says. “They will stand to us in much the same way as we ourselves, as a kingdom of animals, stand to plants.”

What would cyborgs look like? Lovelock is intentionally vague because he expects that they’ll rethink the basic rules of design in ways that we puny humans cannot imagine....<<Read More>>>...