Further Reading

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Monkeypox release is PSYCHOLOGICAL TERRORISM to keep humanity paralyzed with FEAR

 It's time to LAUGH and LAUGH and LAUGH some more at this comedy routine the silly elitist bullies are acting out.

LAUGHTER negates fear. LAUGHTER heals. LAUGHTER is the cure .... LAUGH at their silly games. They are just weird looking bullies in a playground ... trying to scare people into giving up their power ... when there is LAUGHTER, any connection to their attachments are broken!!

It's time to also LAUGH at the gullible human sheep who are falling for the next round of BULLSHIT.

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In today’s Situation Update podcast, we cover Dr. David Martin revealing the simple truth about monkeypox: It’s a psychological terrorism operation to keep humanity paralyzed with fear while our rights and liberties are stripped away under one world government.

After two years of covid lies, lockdowns, depopulation vaccines, lockdown tyranny and anti-humanity genocide carried out by the medical establishment, anyone who still believes in government authority is truly an idiot.

But globalists are counting on that.

They are using monkeypox — and the coming monkeypox vaccines — to literally weed out the dumbed-down, obedient human beings who are too stupid to survive a basic IQ test. Globalists have long decided that they want to exterminate billions of people on planet Earth, and to their own surprise, they eventually came to realize that with the proper media narrative, they can get the oblivious masses to literally line up and be euthanized with injections without even a whimper of resistance.

At some point, you have to concede that perhaps some of these oblivious masses truly are too stupid to represent the future of the human race. Not that we want to see vaccine violence committed against billions, of course, but there is a point where, after warning people over and over and over again, you just shrug your shoulders and invoke the Darwin Awards as the only applicable explanation....<<<Read More>>>...