Further Reading

Sunday 5 June 2022

Monkeypox, Hepatitis & Covid-19: Public Health has been Hijacked & the Mainstream Media are lying to you…

 Do you remember that old saying?

‘You wait one hundred years for a pandemic and then two come along at once.’

No? We didn’t think so.

Which means if you have at least one inquisitive bone in your body you are probably wondering why we’ve gone from being told to stay at home and isolate if we come into close contact with anyone who has allegedly tested positive for Covid-19, to being instructed to stay at home and isolate if we come into close contact with anyone who has allegedly tested positive for monkeypox?

Anyone who honestly believes that this is simply because we’ve gone from having a “dangerous” respiratory virus circulating around the world to having a “dangerous” zoonosis virus circulating around the world has quite frankly been watching too much BBC News and not done their homework.

The truth is there is nothing simple about it, and the reasons authorities with the help of the mainstream media have gone from spreading fear and propaganda around an alleged virus with a fatality rate of less than 0.2%, to spreading fear and propaganda around an alleged virus that has rarely been seen outside of Africa in 50 years are multi-faceted, sinister, and unbelievable without the context and evidence to support them.

If you believe in germ theory and the mainstream narrative on the existence and behaviour of viruses then you will likely question whether the Covid-19 virus was leaked from a lab, namely the Wuhan Institute of Virology. There is plenty of evidence out there to support this, including evidence that suggests the pharmaceutical giant Moderna had a major role to play in that.

So would it surprise you to know that there is now emerging evidence that if this circulating monkeypox virus even exists, it too was manipulated and leaked from a bio-lab?  

If you don’t believe in germ theory and are of the opinion that viruses do not exist or behave as we are officially told then you have likely questioned the existence of the Covid-19 virus from the very start. There is also plenty of evidence out there to support this from the highly questionable and unreliable PCR test, to the horrific way the elderly and vulnerable were denied medical treatment, starved and dehydrated, and given end of life medication and then falsely labelled as having died of Covid-19.

So would it surprise you to know that there is a huge amount of evidence that suggests the alleged circulating monkeypox disease is in fact a cover-up for the damage done to the natural immune system by Covid-19 vaccination? The evidence even suggests this same damage may have a role to play in the alleged hepatitis outbreak of unknown origin we’re also being told is currently taking place in numerous countries....<<<Read More>>>...