Further Reading

Wednesday 13 July 2022

Boris Johnson Is Gone But What Does It Mean?


Boris Johnson has resigned as Prime Minister. You and I both know that it doesn’t matter a damn. Johnson, just like every Prime Minister who preceded him, was nothing but a front man for someone else’s agenda.

If you ever needed proof that journalism or investigative journalism is dead, just look at the media coverage of the events of the past two days.

Anchors rushed breathlessly to the pavement opposite 10 Downing Street to present their shows. And it is a show. It’s not news, that’s for sure. This morning, senior SKY News reporter Tamara Cohen even told the Ginger Ninja that “it’s very exciting.”

“Yes, it’s very exciting,” gushed Burley who then threw a nod to Larry The Cat, Number 10’s resident feline. Has anyone considered how much all this uncertainty must be affecting Larry?

SKY’s director threw to the Skycopter camera, providing sweeping shots of London, adding to the sense of drama and excitement. This is entertainment, not news, not journalism.

Last night, LBC radio presenter James O’Brien referred to the government as “shits” on Twitter, before retweeting the accessory to genocide, Alistair Campbell. It’s pure vaudeville. Ofcom (the regulator) just looks the other way. Commentary has replaced journalism. It has been the mother of all coups.

The mainstream media exists now only to convince the public of the authenticity of politics and to legitimise characters like Boris Johnson, Keir Starmer, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Angela Rayner.

It’s doing a fantastic job too. Just like the election of Trump and the lunacy that followed, the Boris Johnson saga has reinvigorated interest in politics.

I spoke of this on a recent Richie Allen Show. Social media, in particular Twitter, has instilled in people a sense of participation in public life that was previously unimaginable. The great unwashed have never been more engaged in politics, nor more convinced of its legitimacy.

People have never been further removed from the understanding that politics is an illusion. This illusion allows the architects of The Great Reset agenda, Agenda 2030, the climate change hoax and the transhumanist agenda, to hide in plain sight.

Governments are not and never have been in charge of anything. Think of governments as you would a relay team. The new government takes the baton from the outgoing government and nothing changes. Things get worse and life gets harder and harder.

As for what’s next? On Tuesday’s show, I predicted that Johnson would be gone this week. I said I believed that there would be a protracted Tory leadership contest followed by a general election in the Autumn.

I predict Labour will form the next government or a Labour/Liberal Democrat coalition. Of course, nothing will change. The agenda and the agendas to come will move forward. Things might even speed up.

As for the public? No change there either. They’ll eat it up....<<<Read More>>>...