Further Reading

Saturday 30 July 2022

The history of the Global Warming Fraud

The current global warming scam isn’t a new one of course. Like most good scams this one has been around for a long time.

In 1817, the President of the Royal Society in London warned that there had been ‘a considerable change of climate, inexplicable at present to us’ and said that this would lead to changes in the accessibility of the Arctic Seas. It was nonsense, of course.

A century later, in 1922, the Washington Post warned that the Arctic was warming up, that icebergs were getting scarcer and in some places the seals were finding the water too hot.

In 1947, The West Australian, quoted a Dr Ahlmann, a Swedish geophysicist who was warning about a mysterious warming of the climate. And in 1958, the Sunday Telegraph in London warned that the climate is getting warmer.

Then the scaremongers suddenly went into reverse, and in the 1970s the experts warned that a new ice age could grip the world within the lifetime of present generations. Nigel Calder, a science writer, warned in a major television documentary on the BBC that the threat of a new ice age must stand alongside nuclear war as a source of wholesale death and misery. Calder claimed that the northern hemisphere had been cooling since 1950s and that the droughts in Africa and India were due to the ‘little ice age’.

In 1975, Newsweek magazine ran a story called, ‘The Cooling World’ and predicted the beginning of dramatic global cooling which might well lead to a drastic decline in food production. They talked about economic and social adjustments on a global scale. (In 2006, over 30 years later, Newsweek published a correction.)

The bottom line is that politicians, journalists and experts are forever warning us of terrible things that are about to happen. The invariable rider is that they might well be able to save us from the terrible future which they predict, if we give them vast amounts of money, enormous prestige and a full page profile in the Guardian newspaper.

The BBC and other corrupt and blatantly dishonest news organisations now claim that global warming is accepted and need not be debated or discussed. This is a lie of course. (The BBC makes the same bizarre claim about almost all contentious scientific issues.)....<<<Read More>>>...