Further Reading

Monday 29 August 2022

5D Ascension: How to Thrive in 5D Consciousness?

 The old world reality is being stirred up quite heftily now, the threads of the karmic construct are unravelling. There’s still plenty hanging on of course, but now a growing wave of people are letting go of the bank and taking the 5D centre stream. It’s turbulent in the beginning. There will come the sense of grief and loss. That’s okay. It’s just the other side of the coin from freedom and joy. You have to settle into the infinite potential of the singularity for it to flow. When you do, the new 5D consciousness will spring forth. It’s then a case of embodying it as it comes through you. That way, the new multidimensional landscape will shape around you.

Sit back for a moment. Contemplate the acceleration of change since that galactic alignment: the increasing challenge to the old world consciousness; the rapid change of climate; an acceleration in the passing on of other sentient life (now over 200 species per day); and, a wave of people waking up and taking centre stream.

The New World is interwoven with this one. But you can’t see or perceive it with 3D eyes. It’s felt in the flow itself. When you get out of the old 3D norms and conditioned ways of doing things, when you go with the heartfelt pull or the flash of higher knowing, then steadily the new 5D landscape builds around you. You’re looking through the 3D world, but perceiving the higher meaning, what the Universe is working to reflect and reveal. Where in the beginning all seems hazy and confusing, now things click in around you. You witness the deeper synchronistic purpose, which feels majestic and magical to embody.

Be aware though it’s not all roses in the beginning! You’ll stir up a good deal of sh** in your old life, that which your karmic subconsciousness had created. It’s necessary to unravel and unwind this to experience the flowing freedom of 5D. Yes, you could simply disassociate, pop into a 4D bubble of disconnection. But after a while you see that illusion too. It’s about accepting the challenge of the unwinding subconsciousness, then noticing as you process this, always some new aspect of majestic beingness takes form. You start creating in an entirely new way. The challenge is well worth it. In any case, you reach the point where there was simply no going back....<<<Read More>>>....