Further Reading

Tuesday 30 August 2022

A Critical Look At The World Part 1


So, we need to get down to business with another DAILY MERLIN. We're at a critical point, with all that is apparently going on. All the fear mongering and all the distractions, what are they really for? Are the Globalists really on the point of defeat, as reported by areas of the alternative news fraternity? Or are the Globalists fully in control, and we are at the point of total destruction (Just like the Tartarians were nearly two hundred years ago)?? There are a thousand and one questions that could be asked ... but, the real serious point to make here is, as a result of the Globalists sheer evil and vile actions, MILLIONS (Or even billions) of human lives are going to be lost. Tens of thousands of lives have already been lost as a result of the death jabs. Billions are truly suffering at this moment due to these totally psychotic monsters. 

It's a point where the snowball is still rolling and we need it to stop. But what is going to happen next? Their crazy weather tampering is bringing serious mud floods (Just like they did in Tartaria) in Pakistan and crazy flooding elsewhere in the world. They claim its a result of human climate change; that we humans are responsible for this due to merely living and breathing. The truth is ... they have DELIBERATELY manufactured all of this...... 

We need to have an intuitive look to gain an idea of where this is heading ...

CLEANSING is the first image. It shows a burning spectre beyond the twin towers of Diath .... beyond the abyss which is seen in the Duality image. This image initially offers hope, with the name of the card and the image. But what is being cleansed here?  Cleansing is the 9 of Cups and has the magick glyph of 'The Light Of Success' ... and the affirmation 'bathe in the light of success which shines around you. Nurture that which you hold for it is yours to bear.'. The meaning 'the road to success has been a long and arduous one. It's time to bath in those cool waters of material happiness for a while.'.

This image sounds very ominous. It suggests success for The Globalists. However ... all of this is the ILLUSION they are projecting to us. This image is under the Kabbalah sephiroth of  Yesod .... which we call the land of illusion. It is all illusory and not a real projection. Thus any success the Globalists broadcast through media outlets and web sites will be illusion and lies ...

This is the first hint all is not well in The Globalist camp. They have an agenda and are rolling it out. And it is like a Cinetown ... it appears to be a real town but in truth it is all a fake movie set with nothing behind the fake walls of the town. They are trying to fool the human populace with their stage show.

 CHALLENGES ...  is The Hanged Man ....and the glyph 'need'. Its affirmation is 'I do not identify with the ordinary contemplations of the human self. I need to be redefined.' ... 'life's challenges now stand before me. I will attend to each obstacle in the best way I can.' Clearly, aimed at those who oppose The Globalists. It is vital not to be defined by what The Globalists are demanding what humans become. By refusing to become redefined by their evil, the Globalists are finding it nigh on impossible to drive home their total advantage. At this point, human consciousness is opposing their lack of comprehension of what it means to be really human. They have lost their humanity and are too lost in their crazy world of madness to understand they are defeated.

So, that is the first real sign The Globalists appear to be waning in their fight. However, it does not indicate when the snowball stops rolling and this crazy reality changes.

EPITAPH is The Death Card ... and traditionally means the end of a phase or chapter. In accordance with their likely script ... they will be forcing new agendas on us which are in their forthcoming scripts. However, the magical glyph is that of 'The Inevitable'. It's time to ace your fears. To stare those phantasms directly in the face. Once you accept that there is inevitable death in this existence, their hold over you can be lost. You are taught that this is the only existence and there is nothing afterwards. Once you can truly embrace this is a huge lie like everything they force on us ... they lose their power. Once faced, a fear becomes a non-fear and it dissolves.

So by accepting the worst that can happen. Acceptance is the magical eraser that takes all the fear away. Without any fear they have no hold on you. With no fear you then get to experience the awakening and have the ability to see the situation from a higher perspective.

Everything about this is illusion. It is fabricated lies from entities that are our reflection. Fear gives them the power to manifest their illusion into this reality.

PROGRESSION .... is the Knight of Coins .... the leap of faith. Spiritual transitions are often emotionally overwhelming. They appear from nowhere and can lead to uncharacteristic reactions to situations being faced. Effectively, this image provides an insight into the current situation. The image provides the suggestion of normality after the raging seas ... after the flood waters abate. 

The Globalists are throwing everything they have at us. Everything short of putting killer mercenaries on the streets with the order to shoot on sight. Hopefully, they can be prevented before they bark those orders. But they are running out of ideas. Numerous virus threats have been thrown at us. Bad weather and threats of starvation and no power are their current fear narratives. Its all designed to create fear which is their food source.

These fear narratives are their weaponry. They have technology too, seemingly. But even many of their claims are illusions.  Behind the scenes they do not have as much power as they make out. Remember this is a theatrical performance.

TRADITIONS - Again the world within the world ...The World image ...that which is being presented to humans through the media and other outlets presents a world that is totally different to the one really out there. Remember it is all illusion .... lies being presented by the desperate Globalists.

The reality is that billions of humans were coerced to take the depopulation bioweapon and millions of lives will be lost. The power of their enchantment is strong and it is heartbreaking to watch the way humans are losing lives thanks to these evil monsters. The Globalists have tampered with the DNA of their victims to bring their demise forward .... so they leave the earth plane sooner than their blueprint had written into their DNA. Sheer evil. 

For mankind to overcome these monsters before it gets too late, there is a serious need to learn how to overcome the enchantments these dark magicians use. Their spells are failing ... Matthew James 30.8.22