Further Reading

Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Detailed investigation of spike protein action suggests mechanisms for adverse effect generation

Some of the research work concerning Covid and Covid vaccination is centered around understanding why the spike protein is toxic and exactly how it affects elements of physiological systems. Some of the published papers involve complex investigation of physiological mechanisms with implications beyond the background of a lay person.

A paper published 14 June 2022 in Cells journal examines lipid toxicity. Another paper published earlier 3 May 2021 studied a possible effect of the spike protein causing excessive immunoreactivity of brain pericytes.

Lipids are a class of components including hormones, fats, oils, and waxes. They have multiple functions in our physiology including serving as structural components of cell membranes, functioning as energy storehouses, and also performing work as important signaling molecules. Lipid breakdown and deficiency is associated with immune deficiency and aging (senescence).

Pericytes perform many functions including regulation of cerebral blood flow, maintenance of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), and control of vascular development and angiogenesis. Pericytes can also be involved in neuroinflammatory processes and possess stem cell-like properties. Pericytes deteriorate during the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

The possible implications have been discussed by WMC research here. According to WMC, the collective action of the spike protein on lipids and pericytes can be causing oxidative stress to neurological structures and cellular systems. This in turn can trigger neurodegeneration and demyelination....<<<Read More>>>...