Further Reading

Sunday 21 August 2022

Do You Have the Tools You Need to Win the Spiritual War?

 It’s a recurring theme in our world. A crisis comes at us from the media. It’s usually something far away from home, and far beyond the reach of your control.

The story is picked up by all the big time outlets. It’s shoved into your consciousness by the TV screen, the radio, the papers, and the internet. It’s blasted on screens at the airport and at your favorite restaurant, burrowing its way into the public psyche.

John and Jane Do-Gooder down at the office internalize it as their own concern and form reliably predictable opinions about it. Steve and Lucy Know-It-All get loaded and loose lipped at your favorite pub and won’t shut up about it.

Social media goes wild. Memes are made. The story becomes part of the zeitgeist, and mixes itself in with our collective history. Another brick in the wall.

And though you may try to stay focused on the things which matter in your own life, on the things which push your adventure in this meat suit forward, you get sucked into the morass along with everyone else. You make up your mind about how you feel about it. You parrot your favorite pundits. You become an expert.

But it is distressing, concerning, and disheartening. Your mood takes a dive.

The already dense energy of the times becomes even heavier. Though you may battle against it, you’re taken captive and the gloom of the moment exacerbates.

Your emotional body screams at you to numb the discomfort. Your physical body feels the compounding stress. You engage your coping mechanisms, and your health, wellness and immunity sag.

Your resistance to the madness weakens.

With it all, your spirit is drawn down down into the pit. You slip ever so subtly into chronic worry, concern, fear, overwhelm, and anxiety.

And just like the story disappears from public consciousness, tossed in the memory hole, having already done its damage, leaving its mark on you.

Then another, even greater crisis comes flying at you from out of the ether. The pundits and shills in corporate media begin to foaming at the mouth, delighted to feed once again at the trough of negativism.

The cycle repeats, over and over again, with each new wave intensifying and amplifying.

And here we are. A hot mess, as my friend likes to say.

Everyone doing their dead level best to ‘stay positive,’ or at least to appear to be doing so.

But with each passing wave your spirit takes another beating, before even recovering from the last, and the effects  accumulative.

This is the 3D reality of the spiritual war for most people....<<<Read More>>>...