Further Reading

Friday 26 August 2022

"In The Nick Of Time"


The entrance to the cave under the castle, was filled with the ice cold waters of the sea …

The beach and the rocks lost under the crazy madness of the pitching waves of the incoming sea

They stood and watched despondent … time was against them and now the element of water

In defiance, he began to clamber down into the water … realising in moments it was a hopeless quest

She pulled him back away from likely death …

They had to wait …

They had find sanctuary somewhere … until the waters ebbed ….

They had to hope that their pursuers hadn’t realised the double back …

With look the Witchfinder’s soldiers were now far away …

But they didn’t trust their luck …

And made their way across the head of the cliffs … amid the full frenzy of the storm …

The high winds threatening to cast them over the edge into the tormented seas below …


Somehow, they made it to the church …

And desperately tried the iron handles of its oaken doors …

Finding them locked … they felt despair rise … fear bubbling through their minds

They were sure now … their capture was imminent which would mean instant death …

He took a deep breath … walked round the side of the church and noticed the door down into the crypt

He found it unlocked … she followed him out of the storm …

Into the shadowy darkness underneath the church …

He had hope … for he was certain an ancient tunnel corridor led from the church to the cave

Somewhere in the stone floor would be the trap door …

It had to be there somewhere ….

He heard the unmistakable shouts then of the soldiers outside the church ….

Death was close and it knew they were there ….


Suddenly, he found the iron rings which must be the trapdoor …

He pulled … they didn’t move

They both pulled … after she had scraped the edges of the stones with the edge of her blade

They felt something give ….

And then there was  patch of darkness in the floor

They clambered down the stairs … blindly groping on the sides of the stair case

Pulled the trapdoor into place from beneath …..

They had made it … but which way was the cave

The found themselves in a corridor that travelled in both directions

They were disorientated in the dark … how could they make the right choice

Instinct told him to take turn to the right … she thought the left …

And sound of the trapdoor lifting made them choose …


They ran as fast as they could to the right …

And they came to a blank wall …

It was a dead end …

And the soldiers were in pursuit behind them …..

He felt then the trapdoor at their feet … another one …

He opened it and heard the pounding of the sea below them …

They had made it to the hidden chamber of the cave ….

In the nick of time …

He lit his light tube and saw then the markings of the doorway

In moments he had summoned the portal with the gold disk …

It opened … and they stepped through … just in time …

For as they crossed the threshold and the door closed … he noticed a soldier behind him ….


Taken from "The Chronicles Of The Storyteller" - by Matthew James