Further Reading

Wednesday 17 August 2022

'The Look Beyond The Clouds'

Ok, so the intention of tonight's DAILY MERLIN is to take an intuitive look behind the clouds of confusion that the remaining Globalist factions (The 'Headless Chickens') are throwing up at this time ... to get a better idea of what is really going on. 

If we listen to the media; read the news or read certain 'doom and gloom' conspiracy sites, then we would gain the impression that the Globalists are in complete control and their fascist machine is rolling out in exact unison with their sinister plans. It is propaganda to generate fear, awe and panic in the herd of human sheep. 

It is the poison that the threatened bee or insect injects into its victim (Pardon the pun) to maim or injure as a defence mechanism ....

It appears from the Light Of Truth Oracle images that were intuitively chosen that things really are NOT how they had planned them ....

FOCUS refers to the great unveiling of The Globalists and their plans. They knew it had to happen, so they planned for distractions and false stories & trails relating to their identities and intentions. There is so much false information about the Globalists out there. They had planned to infiltrate the web and flood it with falsehoods to hide their real mission. BUT ... as the image indicates ... it's magical glyph is known as 'the lamp'  and indicates that many truth seekers have waded through the deceptions and have actually uncovered the truth.

Focus has the intuitive meaning 'often there are times when we need to stand up for what we believe in; to speak out against those who oppose us because we know we are right. It takes courage to really focus on knowing what is right especially with the fear of what others think of us.' This says it all ... truth seekers have stood their ground and successfully revealed what the Globalists did not want revealing. They have been revealed for all to see ... hence why they are doing their level best to conceal themselves again. But it is no longer possible to hide what is now known.

DECISION MAKING ... has the magical glyph known as 'the rod of power' and the affirmation 'chaos shall cease. Peace will now be restored and correct order will give rise to inspired actions.'This does not read well for Globalists who revel in chaos. The road of power is seen on the image to rise above the frenzied waves of the sea; for the time being all that the Headless Chickens have to throw at us, will be thrown and it will get much worse than it currently is. But behind all of this, order is being restored. The snowball has to roll until it stops .... then they can be truly dealt with.

RETREAT .... It seems there are lands on this earth plane that are not shown on any maps. There are places they have kept in secret where they are retreating to in great numbers. IF you believe in clones and body doubles ... then you will understand what you see in the public eye are NOT who they seem to be. They are merely playing out the stages that are left in accordance with the rolling snowball.

It is the chess game that has to be completed, but the losing can see he is doomed to checkmate in a handful of moves. Nothing he does can change that outcome. This is where we are. 

Retreat relates to a time period where there is nothing much to see on the surface; most things are being done behind the scenes. It makes for a frustrating time. Patience is required. 

HAVEN relates to the calm after the storm. It indicates what lies beyond the clouds. There is stillness and calm. This indicates that we are going to enter a period of peace and stillness; which is NOT related to ANYTHING the Headless Chickens have in store for us. This is matters beyond their control. They may still try to drive their fascist machine and force their propaganda machine .... scaring factions of the human sheep... convincing a faction to be jabbed ... but it is only a small minority. 

YES, sadly, there are going to be casualties due to the evil laboratory poisons made by the Headless Chickens, it is part of the rolling snowball effect ... but the passage we are about to venture through is the 'path of least resistance'; ... it could have been a whole lot worse .... this is damage limitation. It's awful to include the millions that will die in this description .. it is heart wrenching to think about all those needless deaths ...families have been decimated. It is true evil .... but we are looking at the bigger picture here. We are looking from a point beyond the human dimension ....

From that perspective ... we will be rid of the Globalists ... but will we have learnt the lessons to avoid it ever happening again? We have been at this point many times ... and many times the liquid voices are listened to and it all happens again ... we need to eradicate the non-human entities that are really behind all of this carbon zero nonsense.

Carbon Zero means NO carbon based life left on the earth plane ....all life will have been removed from the earth plane.... that is the bottom line to all of this. The Globalists are expendable for these non-human entities. They can always mind control others .... A.I is the issue ... for A.I is the inherent evil behind all of this .....

MANIFESTATION ... is sadly the what will be, will be' .. we must hope that the future which is manifested from this point forward is favourable to our pathway; to our destiny. It is hard to tell what is actually gong to be manifested. However, there appears to be a sufficient level of higher vibrations within the human collective ... to lift the human collective away from the influence of the non-human parasites who feed off our fear, our shame, our anger, our envy and our greed.

Manifestation has the affirmation of 'I am the builder of form. I can manifest a million forms of endless variation and infinite possibility.'  

Action follows thought ... creating manifested forms does not happen immediately, but it will take place. We must therefore hope that the future is a favourable one for us ..... Matthew James 17.8.22