Further Reading

Saturday, 13 August 2022

The ‘Holy Grail’ of Hard Evidence: One of The Most “Spectacular” UFO Photos Ever Taken

 Dr. David Clarke, an associate professor at Sheffield Hallman University in the United Kingdom is known as an expert in the study of UFOs. He is a consultant for The National Archives UFO files project, and recently published a fascinating story about this photo:

The photo shows a large UFO with a military jet in the background., held by MoD insider Craig Lindsay who describes it as ” the most spectacular UFO picture ever captured, and the Holy Grail in terms of hard evidence that these things really exist.”

Clarke explained that the photo is one the MoD and The National Archives have “tried their utmost to keep hidden.” Normally, classified information is released after three decades. The original photo has still not been released and the MoD wants the names of the witnesses sealed until at least 2076...<<<Read More>>>..