Further Reading

Tuesday 23 August 2022

The Yin And Yang UK Prime Minister Battle and The Qlippoth Influence.

Ok, so we are looking at the vacant UK Prime Minister (Managing Director of the BANKRUPT UK Government Corporation) and the proposed Digital Framework role out in September 2022. Basically, the script will be the same if either China Lovers get in. If its Sunak it will be no different. If its Truss that gets in we will get the same. But, what will we get?

The images that have been intuitively chosen, give the strong impression of one face to the world to hide what is going on behind the scenes. Typical corruption in the government. 

THE EGO - The Emperor card in the tarot. Its Magical Glyph is known as 'appearances'. It has the affirmation of 'I am the hand at the wheel who steers you through this material life. I can be false or true ... be warned." A perfect warning for what is going on. Appearances can be deceptive. Perfect evidence of a major deception going on. But what is the deception? Falseness shines a false light .. do not rely on the acceptance or judgement of others to govern how you react to your current surroundings ... it's time to find the light of truth in this situation. 

TRADITIONS - The World card in the tarot. It's glyph is 'The Symbol' and has the affirmation of 'Enter the inner world of the psyche at your peril. For here is a world with a different language and a different agenda to your own'. This sums the situation up perfectly. A world within a world. A warning not to go down the rabbit hole to discover what is happening. Which indicates its not GOOD STUFF that had been planned to happen. It is apparent what was planned - as it has been revealed, it has been spoken of by the Globalists - 'It is vital to be aware of what your inner voice is telling you. Though its language is not the same as in the outside world it can be listened to just the same'.  

So we know about the planned social credit system. The take over of the country by a communist party that is within the UK government. We know about the planned bank bail outs that will take all money. We know about the Universal Credit that is planned. We know about the Chinese style life they plan for us .... it has been revealed. But what have they not told us?

THE PERSONA - is the Two Of Cups in the tarot. It's glyph is 'The Mask' and it has the affirmation of 'I am the mask that you present to the world. With my features you are able to fit into the physical world'. This deals with the fake idea of government. That it works in the best interests of the people. That is the mask that is presented to the world. But behind it is really a dark presence and a dark intent. There always has been. But now it has become very apparent.  

This image deals with the Sephiroth Chockmah which is WISDOM. And the Two Of Cups equates to Love. It is on the Path Of Mercy and is the Supernal Father. Therefore it is a male polarity. 

It is important to realise that the dark force behind the government works with inversion. So, though the image deal with love, the dark force projects hate. Though it should be a male polarity that takes the UK Prime Minister position, it is likely to be the female that is projected by the dark intent. Indeed, the press has Liz Truss miles out in front. 

Something has stalled with it all. 

Let us look at SELF HEALING. Which is The Hierophant. And has the Magical Glyph - 'Eternal Love'. Remember the inversion. So the dark force that operates at the reverse of the Kabbalah - 'the Qlippoth fragments' are in operation here and project this as 'Eternal Hate'. They pitch that love is being defeated, that this realm is that of eternal hate. It is projecting the imagery of hopelessness and eventual surrender to the hatred within ourselves. It is desperate for you to identify with the dark side of your psyche which is controlled by fear and not with your true self and the love of self. Once you reject the Qlippoth ... it all crumbles. Which is what we have here. Self hatred is being eliminated as people wake up to the corruption and they reject the picture being presented by the government....

But will it be in time to prevent the digital framework from taking place? There is so little time left. So if it is Liz Truss that takes the vacant MD position of a bankrupt corporation, it will all be for show only. To keep up the traditions and the charade. Its to keep the deceit going. But it seems there is more to it all than we are told. That is no surprise really. But in this instance ...

It should be Sunak or the body double of Boris Johnson or another male that takes office. But ... the Qlippoth influence may well present Truss with the prize. 

EXPECTATION - The Knight of Cups in the tarot and the magical glyph of 'Yin and Yang'. This is the polarity shifting. It has the affirmation of 'express kindness and compassion in all the things that you do, no matter the situation.' What will be alarming is the usage of this adage by the government, the apparent kindness when there are the tax cuts and the 'assistance' to help families through the created cost of living crisis. It is a starter for ten but in truth it has the inversion of this affirmation ... 'express inhumanity and animosity in all the things that you do, no matter the situation.'

The opposition of a male and a female in this 'contest' presents a possible impasse. This image is perfect for this situation with it being the yin and yang. It is an illusion and a distraction. People will waste time and energy pondering on the right decision. When there is none. Whoever gets in ... is controlled by the qlippoth. 

What we have here is an illusion. A deception to get people to express fear in large numbers and manifest the outcome for the powerless qlippoth. It has no authority on this side of the Kabbalah reality .... and can only influence us by playing with our minds. It wants us to manifest a reality with the social credit system in it. But ... its all stalling. 

It may well happen like the track and trace apps and the vaccine passports. But it relies on consent to use it ... at first. Don't comply and with enough not using it .... the damn thing gets scrapped.