Further Reading

Wednesday 31 August 2022

"They Finally Meet"


She stood atop the summit of the tower hill again,

Feeling empty and broken inside …

Earlier, she sat at the healing gardens for several hours calling him with her mind

She knew he was close by … and he also knew she wasn’t that far away

And as she left the gardens … she even thought he’d passed her at the gate

There was a fleeting look of recognition in his eyes, nothing more.

Now … with the cold wind blowing through the tower …

Sitting on the stone perch … she feels like he doesn’t care … about anyone else but himself

She’d made it clear to him … with her projected thoughts that her need was genuine …

And either he couldn’t hear her … or he chose to ignore …

There was no sign of him on the summit for the entire day



She made her way down the hill slowly, down the steepest section

Passing through the gate that marked the entrance to the underworld …

Stopping to catch her breath, and letting her aching muscles have a rest …

There was the sudden cackle of a raven in the tree to her right …

The sun breaking through the clouds cast its warmth across her face

She had a sudden rising warmth up her spine … and she knew a presence was close

A supernatural force … a primeval being had heard her calls

And she was suddenly scared …as a shadow crossed her face and an invisible hand touched her hair

She was powerless … as the being numbed her senses with his mental poisons ….

In fear for her life … she closed her mind off to what she refused to believe was happening …

And then the force was suddenly gone … his presence was there in her mind …



He heard her distress as he crossed the road in the town beneath the ancient hill

Something was causing her to genuinely fear for her life ….

He knew she was in the town … he also knew she’d called him from afar the day before

He’d made his way to the ancient place, resigned to the fate that awaited him there

He hadn’t been ready to speak to her … he’d known it was her in the gardens when she passed him

He’d seen her earlier in the day … across from him in the courtyard

Somehow he’d been able to resist engaging in a conversation with her …

And then … her desperate screams suddenly filled his mind …

She was near the foot of the ancient hill … on the far side … in distress ….

He had to make his way to there immediately .. she was in mortal danger

He summoned his will … and envisaged his power surrounded her and repelling her attacker …


He spotted her … ahead … sitting on the wooden steps at the bottom of the hill

Her head was in her hands … and she was sobbing desperately

She didn’t refuse him when he lifted her from the steps …

She was in his arms … and she was shaking … her distress was evident by the way he held him tightly

Naomi … you are safe now … I’m her now’, he found himself saying …

We must move from here … we are in terrible danger …my attacker was Gwyn Ap Nudd’

‘He knows who we are, what we were and what we will be … he will never let me go.’

With that she gently kissed him on his cheek, hugged him tightly then stood up and began walking down the hill

He followed … walking behind her until they reached the road …

They looked at each other … and she smiled … he saw she was incredibly beautiful

And realised at that moment he’d fallen in love with her and knew then he’d always loved her….

 Taken from 'The Chronicles of the Storyteller' by Matthew James