Further Reading

Sunday 28 August 2022

They’re free to keep on killing us, as long as we keep thinking that they couldn’t be that evil

 Here’s a post which makes the crucial point that those intent on killing us have been protected from discovery—and punishment—by our own inability to think that THAT could possibly be true.

This is, as I say, the crucial point; because, once we snap out of that fond fantasy of their benevolence, and face the fact that, yes, they are that evil, and (worse yet) that all the institutions we’ve been taught to trust from childhood on—the government at nearly every level, the medical establishment, “higher education” and (above all) “our free press”—have been corrupted by that evil, and are now part of it: once We the People, or enough of us, stop thinking that that can’t be true, then everything will change.

Only when enough of us accept that shattering fact will everything begin to change—and fast. No evidence against the “vaccination” horror, however solid and (to us) compelling it may be, can penetrate the minds that just don’t want to know what all such solid evidence so obviously means—i.e., that those great institutions claiming to respect “the science,” and to want to keep us “safe,” and lead us “back to normal,” have actually—deliberately, and systematically—denied “the science” all along; consistently discouraged effective regimens and remedies, while fiercely pushing products known to kill or cripple us; and otherwise explicitly conspired to acclimate all human beings (that is, those left alive) to “life” in an inhuman world.

Confronted with that likelihood, it’s only natural that people, by and large, don’t want to think it’s true—just as a child long horribly abused at home will often have “forgotten” it years later, and angrily resist the therapeutic understanding that it happened. Whereas, in such a case, the therapist is mainly up against the patient’s own psychic defenses, we who have been trying to waken all those others up to what’s been done to them (and us) these past few years (and even earlier) are up against a force far bigger—and a lot more dangerous—than any individual’s internal blinders. It is to keep those millions in denial, and thereby prevent the global Reckoning to come, that the government-and-media’s gigantic propaganda chorus keeps assuring them that, no, it isn’t true, that all our evidence (of every kind) is “conspiracy theory,” all our facts “disinformation,” all those sudden and untimely deaths and grievous disabilities entirely normal, and yet also due to anything and everything but the “vaccines” that have obviously caused them

And as the propaganda chorus struggles to prevent that Day of Reckoning by doubling down on all its Oceanic lies, it also ever more extensively, and desperately, blacks out whatever findings, facts, perceptions and/or arguments might help snap people out of their hypnotic trance...<<<Read More>>>..