Further Reading

Sunday 4 September 2022

A Reality Check of Climate Feedback’s “Fact Check” Shows How Detached from Reality Supporters of Thermogeddon Have Become

 The Daily Sceptic‘s recent article on the World Climate Declaration (“WCD”) attracted a green-activist “fact check,” and on that flimsy basis was labelled “false information” by Facebook.

In that article, The Daily Sceptic reported that scientists across the world had declared there was no climate emergency. Adding that the assertions that humans cause most or all climate change and that the science behind this claim is “settled” have been dealt a savage blow by the WCD.

“Our story on the WCD went viral on social media, and is one of the most widely read articles we have ever published,” The Daily Sceptic wrote in a follow-up article.

Both The Daily Sceptic’s article and the WCD have now been branded “incorrect” by the green activist blog Climate Feedback. Despite the lead signatory of the WCD being Norwegian physics Nobel Prize laureate Professor Ivar Giaever who is followed by over 1,100 scientists and professionals. And despite no fewer than 235 professors signing the Declaration.

Just one of the ludicrous claims made by the Climate Feedback blog’s guest editor, John Doherty, was: “Natural (non-human) drivers of climate change have been mostly stable since the onset of modern warming and all the available scientific evidence implicates human greenhouse gas emissions as the primary culprit.”

To claim that the climate has not undergone any natural change for almost 200 years is nonsense, wrote The Daily Sceptic. Not a scrap of evidence can be submitted to back up this proposition, and it flies in the face of all climate science. The climate has changed on Earth since gas first made an appearance in the atmosphere. Climate Feedback’s claim is in fact a denial of climate change.

As is true with all activists, when the message cannot be truthfully debunked then “attack the messenger” is one of their go-to tactics. And so, a great deal of social media criticism of the WCD is reserved for the signatories. However, the signatories’ skills and interests range over many disciplines including pure science, such as chemistry and physics, along with useful related fields such as geology and paleoclimatology. As The Daily Sceptic clearly demonstrates in their article, these attempted slurs have backfired....<<<Read More>>>....