Further Reading

Tuesday 20 September 2022

Ancient Pleiadian Reptilian Dynamic that Humanity Must Heal

 There is an ancient Pleiadian Reptilian dynamic of victim and oppressor at play within humanity with its origins further afield in the galaxy. It affects many relationships. On the one hand there’s the need to be protected and looked after; on the other, the compulsion to control and manipulate. Since the human genome contains the DNA of both star nations, it’s a dynamic we all need to pay attention to and resolve out, if people are to have balanced relationships.

Original humans were seeded here by benevolent influence that goes right back to the early hominids 4-6 million years ago. You see it in how the genetics transformed in leaps, with each enhancement being secured in place by a chromosome inversion. It was driven by the collective soul of humanity yearning for individual expression.

Higher dimensional benevolence helped them during this Lemurian epoch. Hominids had already been greatly influenced by reptilian DNA that found its way here through directional panspermia – from Draco, sent on meteors in earth’s primordial history. The much later influx of Pleiadian influence was designed to soften the controlling grip of the raptor through love, joy and a more playful acceptance.

It’s an ancient dynamic which is still very much at play in relationships today, and one that we each need to evolve beyond so that our relationships may ascend from co-dependency. The raptor energy needs to control and consume. The ability to thrive in harsh 3D environments, to compete and succeed is deeply encoded within its make-up. Paradoxically, these traits can be highly attractive to Pleiadian energy – which likes to be looked after and not have to struggle to exist.

When a human embodies strong raptor energy, it can be an enormous help here in this dense earth environment in a society based on competitive capitalism. In a way, “marketing” is playing on its ability to program through mental conditioning – creating the perception of need. When that energy activates and channels through you, it drives and thrives, it’s all get up and go. It simply doesn’t know how to give up....<<<Read More>>>....