Further Reading

Saturday 24 September 2022

COVID-19 lockdowns prove that the globalists can implement climate lockdowns without opposition

 Let's start proceedings with some porn .... FEAR PORN ... a fear narrative. A wake up the sleeping sheep scare tactic. 

The message being 'we did it before, we can do it again' .... and by getting the human sheeples to be brainwashed that they are causing the climate anomalies (Which are part of the natural cycles and build up of plasma in the atmosphere), then they can get the sheeples to lock themselves down to 'help save planet earth'.



The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic lockdowns were just the beginning, and the globalists will try to control the population once again with climate lockdowns.

In an interview with LifeSiteNews co-founder and editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen, author Marc Morano warned that the COVID-19 lockdowns proved that forcing people to remain in their homes and restricting their economic activity could protect the environment by reducing carbon emissions.

“The COVID lockdowns were literally a version of what they’ve called for decades in the climate movement,” said Morano. “I attend every United Nations climate summit and I’m going to the one in Egypt this year … and what these summits call for is the ‘degrowth movement,’ or ‘planned recessions,’ to fight global warming. And what that means is the government imposes slower economic growth or forces a recession to lower emissions.”

Morano pointed out that the globalists are claiming that the lockdowns and the reduction of so-called emissions are just tools for their ultimate goal, which is total control.

“If you live under authoritarianism, if you live under government control of every aspect of your life, you’re solving viruses, you’re solving climate,” said Morano. “The point is, they want control and they’ll do whatever they have to, whether it’s a virus, whether it’s climate, you name it – they want to invoke emergency powers. That’s really what this is about: emergency powers to bypass democracy.” ...<<<Read More>>>...