Further Reading

Wednesday 28 September 2022

Draconian Star Fleet Arrives To Level the Playing Field

 We are always some what sceptical of this type of article, and the wondrous claims contained in them. However, there does appear to be quite a bit of merit in what is being described here ....

So it is interesting reading, none the less ...


We’re living in a terraforming world transitioning through high energy solar and galactic convergences. The karmic construct humanity is dwelling within is breaking down as consciousness elevates. The controlling forces of the shadowstate have gone into fearful manipulative overdrive. But help is at hand. Star Being nations are drawing close in support. In my direct awareness, a Star Fleet from the Draco Galaxy has arrived to extract the reptilian hives in our solar system and level the playing field. Here’s how.

Humanity is transitioning through a phenomenal awakening and emergence into the Galactic Family of Light. Right now, people around the world are waking up to their multidimensional consciousness. Plenty are stripping off the blinkers and bearing witness to the tremendous complexity and interplay of the competing ET forces here in the ether. It’s something you only see when you dare to expand out of the extremely limited layers of the finite 3D – when you dare to gaze above the parapet of the prison cell you’ve been living in, and out into the infinite.

When you gain an initial perceptive glimpse at the tremendously complex multidimensional dynamic going on, it’s enough to make you want to immediately close back down inside the shell! The surrounding field is heftily manipulated to keep people tight in the box; tilted, so aligned infusion of soul is hard to feel. You’re constantly derailed as you attempt to make some headway through the 3D. This is what we have to breakthrough.

You’ve got Greys manipulating the DNA through the falsehoods of the bogus pandemic to interrupt the soul’s carrier signals; reptilians locking the psyche down in cycles of fear and control; meanwhile, satanic Black Snake energy is playing the deceptive trickster, pitting one side against another. The application of high tech and AI is escalating the twists and turns of the 3D maze. Their agenda is ultimately to harvest human souls and take a swathe of humanity off-planet before the completion of the “Event”, and into a metaverse on some distant world.

Heaven forbid!

Yes, it may well sound like the background for the next Star Trek series. But stay with me. The reflective evidence of this is now resounding through our reality, which plenty are perceiving. We must soften rigid minds and allow a less literal interpretation of the surface layers. We must become able to transcend the form and flow more with the formlessness of the soul. That’s how we claim the sovereignty of our multidimensional experience…

YOU decide what is real for YOU, backed up less by limiting logic, and more by the synchronistic mother tongue of the Universe....<<<Read More>>>...