Further Reading

Tuesday 27 September 2022

Is There Light At The End Of The Tunnel?

 Tonight's Daily Merlin is an attempt to intuitively analyse the time period between now (27th September 2022) and 1st December 2022. We are looking for the trends and the expectations during that period. The current Globalist media propaganda is horrendous. It is an unrelenting psychological war being played on the minds of the human sheep. The aim is to wear them down and create a submission for when they plan to unleash their great reset. The sheep will be so grateful to have something back, they will fall into the 'you will own nothing but be happy' trap.

We will intuitively look at where the situation sits ....

DETERMINATION -  9 of Wands and 'The Compass'. The urge to follow your intuition at this time. This is going to be repeating tactics by The Globalists ... and it is important to go with gut instinct and DO NOT listen to the propaganda and the mass brainwashing. Sadly only a relative few will act on these words ... the rest will go down the slippery slope into a world like in China. And that is very sad.

PROTECTION - 10 of Wands and 'The Protector'. Many are likely to go into their protective shells at this time instead of asking for help. Now is the time to unite and communicate with others. As singular cells, The Globalists can run amok. But by combining in large numbers who share a common goal and comprehension, it is a better chance to stand up to The Headless Chickens. 

DELUSION -  9 of Swords and 'The Sphere Of Despair'. All is not what it seems. Clever forces are convincing the weak that things are how they claim them to be. There are horrendous glamours and enchantments that are controlling the vulnerable ... so much is DELUSION ... and it is rife all over the media, the WWW and elsewhere. People are unwittingly spreading the delusions and it is time to make the delusions cease. Laughter and positive thinking is the only way to block the delusions ... instead of letting the negative create fear and anguish and despair ... let your inner self permit you to smile and laugh, no matter what your circumstances are. 

HERITAGE - Justice and 'The Deep Past'. ALL the answers lie within you. ALL the answers are in the land you stand on. The very soil that is spread across the lands contain all there ever has been. Instead of letting the delusional voices control your thoughts and your perceptions; it is time to trust your inner voice. 

RESOLUTION - Judgement and 'Perpetuality'. This is the long road of spiritual awakening. You must become self aware. Seek no outward sign of positive or negative judgement. It must all come from within. The Globalists fully intend to keep the delusion going perpetually, and it is only going to get worse if they can roll out their agenda (They can't and they won't). They are pushing ahead at full steam at this point in time ... trying to weaken us. This is an extreme period of pressure ... but ... you can either choose to go with it and ultimately become an eternal prisoner ... or you can turn your back on the delusion (STOP using smart phone apps and refuse to consent to the digital currency plans).

UNDERSTANDING - The Lovers and 'The Fire From Heaven'. Our existence comprises a constant push and pull of positive (White) and negative (Black) polarities. Currently, this is an extreme example of it. The bigger picture indicates a struggle to find harmony and balance. With the Globalists pushing as hard as they can .... it is effecting an incredible polarity balancing effect from the cosmos/universe to neutralise the major energetic imbalance that is taking place. The Fire from Heaven suggests some series of events that are going to happen ... to effectively defeat The Globalists. It is not possible to say what this is going to be. Divine will? The Globalists CANNOT win ... but they CAN cause immense misery and suffering ... sadly.

And for those of us who have received the Burning Yod we have already experienced the fire from heaven. Our DNA and RNA was altered way before the evil RNA death jabs came along. We are already where the rest who follow are going to. 

INTERVENTION  -  Queen of Wands - 'Good Omens'. Somewhere within the time period there is gong to be an uptake of positive and uplifting energy. Positive omens are indicated here. A time to reflect on spiritual upliftment. Some genuine good news in the time period. 6 - 0 -6  12 = 3. 

CONFLICTS - 5 of Coins and 'Resistance'. Conflicts abound through the time period. Growing civil unrest is suggested which is playing right into the hands of The Globalists. It is what they are hoping for. We are expected to do all the damage. It is vital to remain in control of your emotions and your actions at all times. 

MAGICK - 3 of Cups and 'The Creator of Faith'. Another image referring to the time of the great awakening. Remember your creative self and your unique aspect of creation. Feel proud of yourself and acknowledge self love. By practising self love you will awaken and when you do, dark forces cannot touch you. Your vibration lifts beyond their influence ... there is intention is to destroy creation ... once you are awakened , you become at one with the truth and therefore safe. The delusions are there to promote self hatred and self loathing ... doubt, guilt, anguish and fear are the emotions they wish you to fear. DO NOT submit to that glamour ... self love is the only way. The love of all things.

SOJOURN - The Chariot - 'The Gyre of Influence'. Your body is the chariot of incarnation and you are thus the charioteer. You have a right to be unique and self aware. Let NO other force determine the direction you steer that chariot .... it is time to resist the growing pressure being exerted by the insane ones ....

These images represent a real mixed bag of energies and in there somewhere is the anticipated financial crash. There is a great deal of fear and delusion cast into the human arena to confuse and to petrify the vulnerable. Yes .. the media is going to paint a very bleak picture ... when in truth the real picture is the inversion ...

Because The Globalists are obsessed with 'inversion' ... it is recommended to read the opposite of whatever the media and the like are saying over this time period .... it is one suggestion. Another is to turn off the BBC and all news stations; stop reading the news altogether and find alternative sources for your information ... all media sources are owned by The Globalists and therefore part of the propaganda and the delusion ....