Further Reading

Sunday 25 September 2022

Manipulation of Data and Testing During the Covid Pandemic Was Done Intentionally

The manipulation of data and testing during the Covid-19 pandemic was done intentionally to create fear in the population, driving them to accept the experimental Covid-19 jabs that we’re now learning are both dangerous and ineffective at stopping transmission.

Covid the illness clearly came out of a laboratory … if you’re an honest scientist there’s no question about that. Even Jeffrey Sachs, who is a Nobel Prize-winning economist and who was the leader of the Covid Recommendations Committee of The Lancet, has come out and said that it came from a lab …

Whether the disease was designed to cause harm to people or whether it was just an experiment gone awry, we don’t know. But because of this lab origin, the potential exists that certain features were actually built in deliberately to the virus that causes the disease. So, it seems to cause more autoimmunity, more clotting, more damage to the inside of blood vessels, the vascular endothelium, than other coronaviruses.

The powers that be, and I can’t identify who they are, but powers in Washington — this is probably some combination of federal, regulatory and research agencies like Tony Fauci and Francis Collins and officials at the FDA and CDC — they have been looking for new, what they call, platforms of vaccines.

They don’t want to make vaccines with eggs; it takes a long time, it’s expensive, they want something faster, and messenger RNA or DNA vaccines are another platform …

For some reason, the mRNA platform was extremely delicious for our regulators and industry. So, there were many start-ups, Moderna being one of them. Moderna’s whole reason for being is to develop messenger RNA gene therapy products either for cancer or for genetic diseases or, later, when those didn’t work out for them, they turned to vaccines.

And these companies — BioNTech is another one — have gotten huge grants from governments as well as entities like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. So, the Gates Foundation in 2019, the year before the pandemic, invested $50 million in BioNTech. And Tony Fauci has been working with the Moderna company on messenger RNA vaccines for quite a while. So, these were platforms waiting for an excuse to make a product.

For the first two months of the pandemic, the CDC only offered its own test, and it knew very early on that its test didn’t work … so the SARS-CoV-2 infection spread throughout the US during January, February and early March of 2020, when CDC only allowed a few hundred people, maybe 1,000 people during that period of time, to be tested with their tests. And they all had to have a clinical picture that almost proved they had Covid.

After the whole country was really frustrated with this, FDA did two remarkable things … in the beginning of March, Stephen Hahn, the [now former] FDA commissioner, said OK, we’re going to now allow other entities — universities, labs, anybody who has developed or can develop a test for Covid — to do so, and send us the paperwork and we’ll work really fast to get it done and allow your tests to get out there...<<<Read More>>>...