Further Reading

Friday 30 September 2022

Moving Past the Threshold – Understanding These Critical Times

 We are moving into significant times, and I feel it will be critical how we come to understand and perceive what is to come. How we frame the external ‘happenings’ that continue to erupt across the world will decide how we respond and cope with the effects. A few days ago, I posted a message on my Telegram channel. I wrote the following:

The more I observe external events unfolding, the more I perceive predictive programming at work. When we read or hear something in the mainstream media, we should understand that there is an intention to ‘tell’ us how things are – according to a set narrative. Mainstream narratives are programs, psychological manipulations, and often outright lies. We are given these narratives to program our beliefs. Our beliefs then create our perceptions, and our perceptions create our experiences. Ultimately, we experience the world according to the narratives that we are given. This creates a loop – and many people remain in this ‘perception loop.’ In the coming days, weeks, and months, these loops are going to contain increasing dissonance, unease, and discomfort. We need to step away from them. We have to disentangle ourselves from the external programs and manufactured narratives. It is essential we step out of the lower frequencies of unrest and instability – and find our inner grounding. We can do better than this.

Why did I write this? Because I feel that the times ahead are going to be increasingly chaotic, and it is important that we do not get caught up in these disruptive energies. Everything external to us is calling for our attention and dragging our attention outwards and away from ourselves. And this not only makes us more attached to external events and occurrences, but also weakens our inner balance. Now is the time to be grounded and stable. And to see clearly that what are operating in the physical realm right now are only ‘shadows.’ They are the shadows of an older world, an older regime of power that is struggling with its last desperate breaths as a new revolution of understanding emerges. It is our time to acknowledge these struggles, without engaging with them, for they shall also allow us to gain our sovereignty, inner freedom, and comprehension of the bigger picture....<<<Read More>>>....