Further Reading

Wednesday 21 September 2022

Post #46,626 - 'Where is the W.E.F Agenda Up To And Where Will It End?'


A very relevant Daily Merlin at this time; very much inspired by the confusion of the crazy smoke and mirrors that has been unleashed on 'the useless eaters' at this time. It will be interesting to see where Mr Crazy Kraut (Klaus Martin Schwab) and his mad World Economic Forum (W.E.F) are currently at (Not where they think they are at) and where it likely they will end up; and what this means for the world's population. 

We begin with ANCESTRAL TIES .... which is the 10 of Cups in the tarot. It is known as 'the gate' and has the affirmation 'how may the gate be opened? Where is the key? The key is "know thyself". Open the gate from within and begin the path'. 

Our life experiences are controlled by the environment around us. We are brought up with family traditions and that is how many of us live our lives. We never question if these traditions are right or wrong. Yet here we are ... we stand on an abyss and face the threat of everything we know and have known being taken away from us. We face the destruction of the world around us. That is the threat that KMS and his contingent represent. No wonder there is an incredible spiritual awakening taking place at this time. The key has turned the lock and the door has opened ... and for those that are brave, they get to see themselves and that being human is worth fighting for. 

There is a strong sense here that the spiritual awakening took them all by surprise. Not its occurrence, as they would have anticipated a revolt against their fascism. No, its more the magnitude of infinite consciousness that has been released; that is a force that works against them. And to defeat the level of this power, they have to increase their darkness; the hatred; their cruelty. And by doing this, to attempt to counter act the force of infinite consciousness ... they have unwittingly exposed themselves, revealing just what they are. And that is their downfall.

And LOSS indicated the conflicts that have appeared on their horizon. The hassle of this opposition has affected their time scale; forcing them to bring forward their agenda. Loss is the 5 of Swords and indicates 'making a series of fateful decisions which have been to their detriment. A chain reaction of life changing events which could have been prevented by waiting for a better time to make the decisions.'

It clearly appears that KMS and his merry contingent are forcing the hand of governments etc too early, and making rash decisions that are backfiring on them. They use the media and internet outlets to 'sell their mission and their intended movements' as if it is all on track. But looks like it is becoming derailed.

DUALITY ... is known as 'the changeling' and represents the threshold that we currently stand on ... because the changeling stands on the threshold of being and becoming. It sees both the past and the future simultaneously. It is representative of the stupidity of the scientists and the like behind the WEF who are attempting to change something that is one of the true mysteries of the cosmos. They are attempting to control and adjust human consciousness. It is beyond their comprehension and they do not have control of whatever they have created; and are still trying to create. Duality represents Daath ... the abyss, beyond which human mind becomes infinite consciousness. They stand on the threshold as the dweller (The most fearsome creature imaginable made up of all our worst fear) and attempt to prevent mankind transcending back to infinite consciousness.

They appear to be trapped in these frequencies ... and they appear determined to keep the useless eaters trapped ... so they can exert their menace over them. It all seems a desperate act by a truly furious creature. They believe trans-humanism and the merging of man with A.I will lead them to immortality. Perhaps. But have they truly mastered anchoring and storing infinite consciousness? That which exists beyond the human brain? That which uses the human brain as the translator when it watches this vibration???

ABUNDANCE -  is the 4 of Coins and is 'The Mighty Crowned' and has the affirmation 'I am the primal plan; the emanation of all the spiritual laws .. which is replicated and reflected by your physical world.'

We are all a perfect replica of all that there is . Our form on earth is a reflection of our essence on higher realms. In order to truly manifest self is is necessary to exhibit the virtue of obedience to self and to trust your own judgements. 

This represents the spiritual force they are up against; and the barrier that stands in their way. Abundance indicates the Endless force that is against them. By defying the perfect replica and changing it with their mRNA ... they ARE changing the replica form here on earth BUT they are NOT changing the original form that is the essence in higher realms. Because the human form is a hologram of the original ... the damaged replica CAN eventually be restored back to the replica copy of the original form. They CANNOT change the original form of man that is in the higher realms. That is beyond their control. The intention to provide booster after booster seems like an attempt to prevent the altered replica human form transforming back to the hologram of the original form. 

Their plan is flawed. But they refuse to admit defeat; and still manifest the ideas they are in control. Their scientists appear frenetic in finding the means to destroy the link between the replica form and the original form ... that is the Metaverse and all their other crazy ideas. 

RENEWAL - is the 4 Of Wands is 'the perfected work' and represents the labours of imagination that brings forth the power of effect that the empowerment of free thought represents. They are determined to use the powers of mass formation to get the useless eaters to come around to their viewpoints. They are desperate to contaminate the minds and the imagination of the useless eaters. Forcing them to accept their fate and then let their power of manifestation bring the future that KMS and his merry contingent so desperately desire. 

Where we are at right now ... is the WEF desperately trying to sell their idea to all and sundry. Its blanket mass formation in media and internet outlets. This will be reality for the time being ... as the caged wild animal gets into a frenzy. But as time goes by, this crazy storm will blow over ... never will the useless eaters read in the media about the defeat of the WEF and its madness ... instead KMS and his shower of loonies will fade into the background.

But will the threat be over? The Globalists have many fear narratives that can be unleashed ... but they may well appear to have stopped their evil ... going to ground for the foreseeable future. But, the remainder will be there plotting.

As for the current theatre with body doubles (And clones) ... it will roll on expressing what should have been and what might have been. Some crazy times are ahead ....