Further Reading

Monday 26 September 2022

Understanding The Higher Functions of Genetic Structures Paired with Human Consciousness

 Since its discovery 70 years ago, DNA has been largely and crudely conceived as a static repository of information. Rather like a fixed manual that our physiology refers to for instructions. The discovery of epigenetic phenomena and the increasing understanding of RNA and its expression in biomolecular activity should have changed that understanding.

Moreover, DNA self-regulates and expresses different aspects of its structure. Genes can become upregulated or downregulated during different periods of life. In more understandable language, our DNA can learn from experience how to function so to speak—as we ourselves also learn from experience. DNA certainly has capabilities that remain unknown and unused.

Our physiology is daily challenged by billions of toxins, pathogens, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and microorganisms. Some of these are our long-term partners where containment is routine. Some are inevitably newcomers requiring a learning curve on the part of the immune system. The overall complexity of immune responses goes far beyond the possibility of complete intellectual understanding, man-made control, or successful safe modification.

The implications of how DNA is in every one of billions of cells but somehow expresses itself as a whole single person have never been adequately tackled scientifically and theoretically. We could say this is the enigma of individual identity, genetics, and memory.

DNA is at the heart of a WHOLE genetic system and the whole is more than the sum of the parts. Our genetic system has its silent non-changing nature and its changing expression, but this is not a mechanical system. It acts more like a unified field.

Physical fields like gravity are everywhere and they appear to have static rules, but they exhibit characteristics of both waves and particles and their quantum nature ensures that the apparently static rules can be bypassed. Quantum mechanics also ensures that the entire history of events remains connected with the present as it creates the future.

Go deeper and physical fields have more amazing properties. DNA is obviously an expression of more fundamental and more unified physical laws. To describe these, you need non-abelian mathematics – the unified field level thinks for itself as it creates time and space. A unified field structure cannot depend on anything outside of itself in order to express itself and its expressions are part of itself. It is self-referral. Self-referral is a suitable descriptive analogy for DNA.

Self-referral is the hallmark of our consciousness (we create from within ourselves) and the hallmark of DNA. Both have a silent phase and an active expressed phase, inseparable companions through the journey of life. Everything that goes on in our physiology has been an expression of the DNA in our very first cell. As such, physiology is a connected WHOLE. The mechanism for this WHOLENESS is not yet understood....<<<Read More>>>...